Saturday, January 10, 2015

Arriving to serve at Wycliffe Associates

Six members of our family have travelled to Orlando, Florida at the beginning of January and started to work in different ways to support the work of Bible translation.  Wycliffe Associates was formed in 1967 to bring God’s Word to those still waiting—by involving people in accelerating the work of Bible translation.  One of the great things this trip is being able to serve with our Mom and family from Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia.

We will update this site with pictures about what we are doing but following are some pictures of the Wycliffe Campus:

Our family is sharing a 3 bedroom apartment.  
Wycliffe Apartments

Mom (Arlene Ritchey) and Marilyn White in our living room.

Walking trail around Wycliffe Campus


  1. Really happy that you guys are doing this. Nice to be part of a serving family.

  2. Thanks so much for the wonderful update and great pictures! It's very exciting to hear about your time there :)

    1. Hi Anna! Great to hear from you! Hope all of you are doing well - we miss you and are looking forward to seeing you this summer!
