Friday, January 16, 2015

Wycliffe Adventures!

My time here at Wycliffe has been so inspiring.  It's made me value God's word so much more than I ever have before.  Recently retired, working and going to church in the same building kept me in a bubble.  It's has been so exciting to see so many committed Christians from different denominations from all over the world volunteering their time to get God's word translated to all languages everywhere.

They have stressed to us here that no matter how small the job, we are all contributing to the translation process.  I've been working in the stamp department with my mother and part of the time in the cafe with my sister, Linda.  It's great to be here serving with family.  More important than our work, they want us to catch the vision of the work they are doing here.
On our off time we are having a great time playing board games together, pot luck at the activity center, trip to the flea market, walks early in the morning and late at night, tonight we attended a Korean dinner.   We take turns cooking so there have been many trips to the grocery store.  

Korean Dinner

Pot Luck
Mom reading in our room
Discovery Cent
In front of Wycliffe Building
Walking in moonlight
Our friends in apartment below
Atala, Eliane and Delio
Sampling Korean Food

To Be Continued.....


  1. Love the work you're doing and such a blessing to be doing it with family! Wish we could be there!
